Crypto payment options introduced in the Azarus store
We’re happy to announce that you can now use cryptocurrency on the Azarus Store. We know that convenience is key, and we’re always looking for ways to make your Azarus experience even better.
While redeeming a store item, the redemption window will now include a cryptocurrency option alongside AZA and PayPal. This means you can apply crypto towards redemptions – including:
1,500+ gifts cards to vendors like Netflix, Amazon and more.
Newly released games like Homeworld 3, Hellblade 2 and more.
Ready to give it a try? Next time you use the Azarus store, cover your missing AZA with crypto and experience the ease and security it offers.
If you have any questions or feedback about this update, please contact us via our Twitter or Discord .
* Due to the implementation of cryptocurrency payments, there will be a maximum purchase limit of 500€/1000AZA for unverified accounts. To enjoy our store without purchase limits, please verify your account by visiting https://www.azarus.io/wallet.