Discover the new Asassin's Creed with Azarus
We're big fans of the Franchise, and we know you are too! So we're super excited to announce that Ubisoft is partnering with Azarus for this incredible 8h event.
This event will be multistreamed on the following channels, and you'll be able to play with Azarus on all of them! This is our first multi-stream event ever.
The Ubisoft team has prepared 70+ Trivia questions for you to test your knowledge of the game. Answer right and you'll unlock a yet-to-be-revealed in-game item!
Update 2021-04-29 : WHAT AN EVENT! Thanks for the hundreds of thousands who participated making this event the biggest ever for us by a lot! We collected 1,134,515 participations!!!!
We're excited to announce for the winners that they will be going home with an exclusive Bayek skin.